Monday, September 28, 2009

Still Going...

Monday night, almost 8:00 p.m., and still haven't seen a temp above 99.0. I do have a little headache and could be getting something sinus-related. I'll keep taking my antibiotics and anti-viral medicine and hope for the best.

Shout out to Kim B., who dropped off a big batch of delicious butterscotch cookies yesterday for Robbie and me. Now a moment of silence for the late batch of cookies. The timing was great, as I am trying to put on weight anticipating a "weight losing" episode. If I recover the WBCs without getting sick, I'll drop some of this weight I'm adding. I kinda like being under 190#'s.

Big day tomorrow at work, perhaps the biggest. Hope we're ready. Hope your day is a good one.


  1. Tim, Hope you're feeling well. please keep us posted.

  2. You want to gain weight?!?! I get these delicious cream donoughts from a bakery near my mother's therapist's office. Just thinking about them will put some pounds on, or maybe it's the donought that put the pounds on. Do you like cookies? What's your address?

