Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Neutropenic Again

Time to spin up the prayer wheels for a pre-emptive strike against any flu or other bug floating around. I just got a call from Jenny, the coordinating nurse for my trial. Despite the growth factor shot, my white blood cell count has crashed again. Now, I'm not sick (temperature was 98.2 about three minutes ago), but I am very prone to getting sick. Basically, I'm where I was in June right before I got sick, but this time I have foreknowlege of my condition and can use that knowlege to modify my behavior.

I plan to work from home until this gets better, and if I have to make a public appearance, it will be with a face mask.

Liz left on a trip to Seattle earlier this morning, but is spring loaded to come back as needed. I'll probably pull Robbie from school until she gets back.

It just keeps getting better and better.


  1. You'll find plenty to keep you busy on email! Let us know if we can drop anything by for you guys. Keep eating well, sleeping, and playing w/the boy. Priorities.

  2. Hey Tim,

    We'll keep praying for you.
    Judy and the Patels

  3. Tim, Be well..... we'll see you when we get back from FL.... E&J

  4. Stay strong. Just another bump in the road. I'm not one for prayer, but if that's what it takes, you got it.

