Monday, June 15, 2009

Another day and some more progress - slow but steady

Today was both encouraging and frustrating for me and for Tim as well (I would imagine since he's not talking yet though I know he wants to.) As an aside, I believe that in 20 years of being with Tim, this is the absolute longest he's been quiet. For all the times I wished I could get a word in edgewise, I REALLY prefer when he's talking.

Tim continues to improve slowly. His breathing and heart are great, a lot of basic functions have improved and his body has finally managed to clear some of the sedative drugs they've given him so he's much more responsive. That's the good news. The neutral news is that his kidney function has not really improved at all, so the dialysis is probably on for tomorrow. Since they have to put in another line to do dialysis, he has yet to have the ventilator tube removed and he's still pretty heavily sedated and not talking. The dialysis should be short term according to his doctors, and the hope is to get the ventilator tube removed tomorrow. All in all a pretty positive picture. We are a world away from where we were on Friday.

I wanted to take some time to thank people for their support and caring and I find I don't have the words to do it. Without all of you I don't honestly know how Tim, Robbie and I would have managed. I found that in one of the most critical crises we had ever had, our friends and family would not let us shoulder the load alone. It is amazing to me how much you care about our family. Thank you doesn't begin to cover it. I know the journey Tim is on is incredibly difficult both for this current battle as well as the long term one he is fighting. His odds are so much better in both thanks to all of you.

(Ok, if I keep thinking about it I'll get all emotional. For those of you who know me, I just don't do that...So I'm quitting while I'm ahead.)

I will post more tomorrow, everyone have a wonderful and blessed night. Liz


  1. No thanks necessary...just keep the good news coming, Liz. And even though Tim can't speak something tells me that indomitable spirit of his is giving a huge thumbs up! Love you guys!

    Lisa and the crew from Amite

  2. Word of the Day for Tuesday, June 16, 2009

    salutary \SAL-yuh-ter-ee\, adjective, 1. Producing or contributing to a beneficial effect; beneficial; advantageous.
    2. Wholesome; healthful; promoting health

    Yesterday was:
    effulgence \i-FUL-juhn(t)s\, noun, The state of being bright and radiant; splendor; brilliance.

    Tim's treatment at G'town will have the intended salutary benefits and soon he will return to his normal effulgence.

    It cannot be coincidence alone that two particularly appropriate words popped up now. I think Tim will appreciate the words =)

  3. Glad Tim is getting better keep the good news coming all my friends on facebook are praying, I have friends in all around the world praying!!

  4. Thinking about you 3 all the time! I'm trying to help where I can at work and praying. Everyone is holding it together beautifully here- don't worry about anything (they don't actually need us you know. . .)

  5. Tough as Nails... Each of you.

    Liz, thanx for keeping us updated. Robbie, my son (Ryan, 7yrs old) says you can share any of his toys if he could get them to cool is that!

    Tim, keep the faith Classmate.

    God Bless~
    The Byrne's
