Sunday, June 13, 2010

Robbie did Good in Church Today

Someone at church suggested I blog this, so I will.  Today was the annual final performance of the church choir until September.  We performed our traditional final piece called "River in Judea", a gospel song we do only because Alan E. insists.  We did the piece as a post-communion offering, and against my better judgement, I brought Robbie over from the nursery before we performed.  After threatening Robbie with dire outcomes should he make noise during our performance, I brought him over. I told him he would not be allowed to play his new favorite Iphone game "Pocket God" if he made noise.  He agreed.   He took communion with the choir, then returned to our pew.  We sang (making only a few mistakes) and he was great.  After we finished, he said, in a voice loud enough for the entire congregation to hear, "Daddy, I love how you sing!".  When I joined him in the pew, he followed with the question, "Do I get to play Pocket God now?".

As we speak, he is playing Pocket God.  What can I say?


  1. You could say that we should cherish every second we have with our little ones for precious moments just like this.

    Oh wait, you just sorta did ~

    You might want to get his hearing checked, though.

    - Meno

  2. Tim is correct, Robbie could be heard by the whole church. What was ALSO heard, as Tim was sitting back down, was "OK, here's that $5 I promised you..."

  3. Ah, Robbie's tribute to Art Linkletter. They do know what to say, don't they. Yesterday we were on the beach and Nick told some kid he met that he was from "adopted sperm". Hope you had a great birthday.
