Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Exercise in Frustration, Georgetown-style

Quick and dirty (and my fault (kinda)):  Had a 12:30 appt. with Dr. Cheson to go over the results of last week's biopsy.  Got there early and figured I'd have about an hour wait because of the time of day.  As a result, I had not arranged a backup pickup for Robbie.   By 1:00 I had discovered that the lady on the bench next to mine had an 11:30 appt and the three other folks around us shared my 12:30 slot.  At 1:35, the lady with the 11:30 was taken in the back and I had learned that I was in last place of the 12:30 folks.  By 2:15, I knew there was no way I was going to see Cheson and pick up Robbie on time.  Me?  Pissed?  I knew that Peggy or Kath or Mindy would have picked Robbie up, but I hadn't prepped Robbie, and I remembered how freaked Elena's son David had been when we once picked him up unannounced.  Besides, I wanted to register my displeasure the only way I could--by leaving. 

Fortunately, I did run into Jenny, the Trials Coordinator, as I was about to leave and got the unofficial word:  still showing progress, bad cell counts down in marrow and bone sample, but still present along with continued presence in some nodes.  So I'm better, but not in remission yet.

Jenny is setting me up with another appointment in a couple of weeks, so hopefully then I'll get the answer to "What next?"  You'll know shortly after I know.

[And to put things in proper perspective, a year ago today I was basically in an induced coma and on a respirator.  Comparatively, this isn't so bad.]

1 comment:

  1. A solid call by dad. Self sacrifice (an almost wasted drive to G-Town) for the benefit of his kid. No wonder you had father's day picnic, Mr. Dad Of The Year.

    My kids even get freaked out when momma (my wife) doesn't pick them up (like usual) but instead I do. Or maybe they just don't like me as much as they like their mom.

    Prayers continuing - you must be worth it.

    - Meno
