Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Bike Riding Boy!

Proud papa time:  Yesterday, just 24 hours ago or so, Robbie had never ridden a bike without training wheels.  Never.  Yesterday, about 23.5 hours ago, he decided he was going to.  So he did.  Liz helped him a little at first to stay upright, but he headed out and never looked back.  Today, he's riding like an old pro.  He starting and stopping by himself.  He's making tight turns on half the width of our narrow street, riding around barely skirting the edge of the cul de sac, really testing out the edges of the envelope to see just how far he could lean over without scraping the pedals.  He is having a blast.  I'll post a picture or two when I get the chance.  I'll also post some thoughts I had while meditating the other morning.  But this is Robbie's post--Robbie the bike riding boy.

P.S.  He's lost two baby teeth in the last four days.  Where is my little boy going?

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