Saturday, February 20, 2010

We're Slowly Coming Out of the Snow

Hi all,

Going in this week for another marrow biopsy and another CT scan.  Oh boy.

Family news:  My niece, Heather, gave birth to an 8 lb 9 oz baby boy today.  Congratulations to her and to her husband Paul--life as you knew it is now over.  Welcome to your new life.

I have had a side effect from the new medication--I've got an annoying rash here and there that itches like a fiend.  Took some Benadryl and will be going to bed soon.

I did get the Mini Cooper back up the driveway today, so I've saved myself that walk now.

Going to bed.

Take care.


  1. Tim, rashes goes away! Remind me to tell you how Jim and I know this!!! Come see us... no one in Casa Bjostad is sick (for a change) call me and let me know when you'll be here!

  2. Many folks believe rashes are a sign of something bad in your body trying to get out. Let's hope your CLL bad actors are doing their best to escape as I type.

    - Meno
