Saturday, February 13, 2010

Snow Sucks

We are in Week 3 of Winter's Icy Grip.  With Liz's help, I finally got the Mini Cooper down the driveway and out into circulation.  It took me two hours to get it two-thirds the way down our 300' drive.  I had to stop six times to dig out when it got stuck.  Liz got back from grocery and helped me the rest of the way.  With her driving and me pushing, we got the car down the finally 100'.  At the bottom, in the space where the van was parked (see photo in previous post), I rediscovered that:  1)  Wet ice is very slippery, 2) Gravity still works, and 3) There is no graceful way to take that fall.  All the way down, I was thinking of ways to minimize the damage.  Must have worked, because I got away with a bruised elbow and a slightly sprained wrist.  The Mini is now free and after ice and Ibuprofin, I'm relatively pain free.

Nothing new medically.  I'm not convinced that the new drug is doing anything, but that was one of the outcomes that was on the table when I agreed to participate in this trial.  Even if this doesn't work, at least I've contributed to the body of knowlege.  Hopefully, someone else is in a trial at another hospital that will help with my condition.  I get more insight on the 25th when I go back for another marrow biopsy and another CT scan.

Hope your Valentine's Day is at least non-snowy.


  1. Not quite the same as falling on a padded mat. Hope your upcoming tests go well. Wishing you, Liz and Robbie the best.

  2. It was a perfect three-point PLF--wrist, elbow, shoulder/hip. And Kent, ukemi is harder on the ice for some reason--breakfall takes on a whole new meaning.

  3. All you needed was Kathy Crane smiling over you as you hit the ground.

  4. Come to Pax? You guys need to work on your tourism pitch (come up here - we've got lots of snow and ice). No thanks (for now). Been there - done that.

    BTW - in poking fun at you, I spoke too soon. Karma is a meannie sometimes.

    Woke up to 7 inches Saturday morning - at the BEACH in NC. Wet, good, snowman making snow = good for the kids. Young Marines on a 96 weekend that grew up in warm weather climates + their big ol' trucks = bad for the traffic.

    All is well now. Big red did some serious melting yesterday and most of the jacked up (both meanings) trucks have been rescued from ditches and ravines.

    Tim - be well and stay well.

    - Meno
