Sunday, October 18, 2009

Marathons are for wimps...

Greetings from the Bayou State, where our state motto is "Thank God for Mississippi".  By now you've probably heard about the local justice of the peace who refused to marry the mixed-race couple.  That happened about 15 miles from here.  Not since Britney Spears has Tangipahoa Parish had such a distinguished national celebrity.  Makes you proud.

Now, I could have focused this entry on celebrating my 100th blog entry, but I was upstaged.

Liz, now bored with the lack of challenge offered by 26.2 miles, took it up a notch and--BAM--ran a 50-kilometer trail run today.  That would be 31.1 miles for the conversion-challenged.  That's a long way.  Today was as pretty as a Louisiana Fall day can be.  Liz said the trail, which followed an old railroad right of way, was the prettiest trail she's ever run.  Even the one-mile section of calf-deep mud couldn't put a damper on things.

Beyond that,  we're having a great time in Louisiana.  Robbie is having a particularly great time playing in his Aunt Nina and Uncle Buster's house.  He is exhausting Nina and Buster's dog, Gracie, with marathon sessions of "fetch" in the grand hallway of N&B's house.  He has also been playing down at the old barn and today found the courage to climb on his grandfather's tractor (see picture).   This is the tractor on which I spent uncountable uncomfortable hours as a teenager (pre-Ipod), so it's kinda sweet seeing Robbie on it, knowing he won't have to spend quality time in the Louisiana sun, breathing the diesel fumes.

I went to church today and met many of the people who prayed (and are praying) for me.  It was heartwarming to hear how many people read this blog regularly (Hello!).  I also met a young lady who confessed that many years ago, when she was in the third grade, she decided that she was going to marry me.  I think she was a student in my mother's elementary school class, so I have to believe that was the link.

We head back to Maryland tomorrow and I'll be taking Tuesday off to catch up on the things at home I missed this weekend.

OBTW, this is my 100th blog entry.  I believe this is a tipping situation.


  1. LOVE the picture of Robbie. Great that you were able to go home and visit with family and others that have been part of the vigil. 31.1 miles blows my mind.
    I’ve read every word of the last 100 posts and look forward to the next 100 :)


  2. Tim

    Congrats on the 100 blog milestone.

    I don't think I have walked 31 miles in the last month, let alone run 31 :))

  3. Sorry last entry was from TJK

  4. Reading about Robbie and Gracie reminded me of pulling into the McMichael driveway to some very territorial blue heelers (one with a very sisterly name). When they did not appear to be around making it from the Impala to your front door could be very interesting. J

  5. Liz, how long were you gone if you did 30 miles? Please tell me it took you the whole day; otherwise, I don't think I could face my running shoes ever again.

    Ye gods, you must be pure steel now. You didn't have any operations like Lindsey Wagner (Bionic Woman) type stuff did you? glad you had fun.

    Oh hi, Tim.

    Judy P.(atel)
